Danny Sapani Visits EBS

East Barnet School > Teaching and Learning > English > Danny Sapani Visits EBS

Our Key Stage 5 English and Drama students enjoyed an incredibly useful Q&A session with Danny Sapani this morning. After having seen Danny perform as King Lear at The Almeida earlier this term, it was absolutely fantastic to have him come into school. 

Danny Sapani is a talented and esteemed actor who has appeared in a range of television, film and theatre productions; from Star Wars to Black Panther. Danny answered a range of questions  spanning from his career to the intricate details about language, form and structure in King Lear. This was hugely beneficial for the students, many of whom will be answering on King Lear in their English Literature A Level in a few weeks time. It was a truly inspiring and compelling morning! We are so grateful to Danny for coming in and hope this final experience will put students in the best position for their exams.

an english teach with Danny Sapani
students at east barnet school listening to a talk from Danny Sapani
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