New Inclusive Playground

East Barnet School > Teaching and Learning > AEN > New Inclusive Playground

It was thrilling to see in the press today that Barnet Council, who approved the plans last year, have almost completed a new build Fair Play All Inclusive Playground! The playground will be available to adults and children and features a variety of equipment that can be used by people with disabilities.

In total the project cost £500,000 with £100,000 coming from Barnet Council and the majority from a coalition of independent funders led by The Seneca Trust.

The playground is in the Victoria Recreation Ground in New Barnet and has a launch event on 13th February 2024, although this is now sadly sold out. More press articles about the playground can be found below:

Barnet Council – Plans to Build Inclusive Playground

Barnet Council – Work Begins on New Inclusive Playground

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