Student Planner Cover Winners

East Barnet School > Extra-Curricular > Student Planner Cover Winners

We love to showcase the creativity of our students, and every year they are given the opportunity to design the front cover designs for the Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 student planners. Every student at the school is provided with a student planner, so this is a great opportunity for all the students.

Each year, it is a very tough decision for our Marketing and Communications Manager to pick out the winners, but we are pleased to also award runner-up positions.

So, without further ado, the winners and runners-up for the 2024/25 Student Planner Cover Competition are:

KS3 Winner:
Gigi Chan, Year 8
KS3 Second Place:
Louise Whittick, Year 9
KS3 Third Place:
Kaila Eyyub, Year 8
KS4 Winner:
Emily Lane, Year 10
KS4 Second Place:
Natasha Kyriacou, Year 8
KS4 Third Place:
Isabelle Preece, Year 8
KS5 Winner:
Bianka Kalthi, Year 9
KS5 Second Place:
Sylvia Williams, Year 7
KS5 Third Place:
Daisy Smith, Year 10

The winners will receive a £25 Amazon voucher each, and 100 House Points for their House, and of course, will see their artwork on the planners next academic year. Second place entries will receive 50 House Points for their House and third place will receive 25 House Points. Each submission will also receive 1 “Do the Right Thing” House Point.

Congratulations to everyone that took part!

About the author

The EBS Reporter is an alias for all the staff at East Barnet School who enjoy writing articles about the exciting activities going on around the school. If a story is written by a student, this will be noted within the post.

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